I'm a sucker for electronic kid gadgets, as long as they're on clearance. In our house we've got several Juice Boxes, a VideoNow PVD, and even a Disney MixMax video player. The MixMax hits the sweet spot in that it uses cheap SD memory and uses WMV as it's video format. My kids love to watch WordGirl . Unfortunately, there's no DVD of these shorts. The friendly folks over at PBS Kids have (intentionally or otherwise) put all the Flash video clips online in a directory of their web server ( http://pbskids.org/wordgirl/content/video ). It took me a couple of days, but I can now share how I converted the files so they work on the MixMax. My initial experiments centered on using ffmpeg on Linux to convert to a common format. It worked out okay on some of the videos, but not all of them. ffmpeg can encode in WMV/WMA, so then I tried that. Again, it worked for some videos but not all of them. As my Linux box also happens to be my Windows box, rebooting soon became...